Thursday, June 12, 2008


I guess the cool thing with blogs these days are lists or top tens. I'm all about the lists and the top tens. I pretty much categorize my life in lists these days so bare with me as I will share these with you all randomly in my upcoming blogs. Mine however will be top five lists. Ten is just too much.

Top Five Things I want to say to my little girls as they grow older (these are NOT deep ... just fun):

1) In or Out
2) You have a great up to it
3) Cheerleaders are bitches so just get over it
4) Being a woman is a blessing
5) Nothing good happens after midnight

A little of life experiences and a little of some Mama Candyisms that I thought were point on.
Thanks mom for #5 and for making me come home at 11pm . You WERE right, nothing good happens after midnight. Who knew??

1 comment:

Valerie said...

In the way you love blogs...I love to post on here you go!

In or first I was puzzled by why you would want to say such a dirty thing to your daughters but then I got it (mentally smacked myself) and had to laugh. It was one of the things my dad repeated over and over all summer...that and SHUT THE REFRIGERATOR DOOR!!

Nothing good happens after very true. Just remember that sometimes it isn't your fault that you got home after midnight and you shouldn’t ground your lovely daughter from her 18th birthday because it really wasn't her fault and it was completely innocent! Also, your mother should know that you stayed out until 12 when you spent the night with me – and that extra hour was always fabulous!