Thursday, June 12, 2008

Why I Love So You Think You Can Dance...


I started watching this show two years ago in the days of Benji and Travis. I was on maternity leave with Lennon so it will always hold a very strong memory for me.

The first thing that jumps out to me about the show is not the dancing but the music. I have heard so many great songs on this show! My favorite was the song that Wade Robson choreographed that year... I think it was called "Ramalama" or something like that. I had that group dance Tivo'ed forever. This show obviously works backwards with the songs first, which I love.

My favorites this year are:
Kourtni (such a silly way to spell this ... but who am I to talk)

There are a ton of personalities this year and I love seeing so many kids from the Dallas area.
I'm kind of over the lyrical dancers ...they all just seem to do the same moves over and over again. I get that its hard to dance so powerfully, but there just is not a lot of originality. My favorite are the poppers and the b-boys and girls. This style is just so much more fun to watch. You never know what they are going to do next.

My favorite thing about this show is that my whole family will watch it. Andy likes the girls and the poppers, Lennon thinks every girl is a princess so she is game, Lucie loves the music, and I am just in heaven watching a combination of two of my favorite things ... dancing and new tunes.

Love it!


I guess the cool thing with blogs these days are lists or top tens. I'm all about the lists and the top tens. I pretty much categorize my life in lists these days so bare with me as I will share these with you all randomly in my upcoming blogs. Mine however will be top five lists. Ten is just too much.

Top Five Things I want to say to my little girls as they grow older (these are NOT deep ... just fun):

1) In or Out
2) You have a great up to it
3) Cheerleaders are bitches so just get over it
4) Being a woman is a blessing
5) Nothing good happens after midnight

A little of life experiences and a little of some Mama Candyisms that I thought were point on.
Thanks mom for #5 and for making me come home at 11pm . You WERE right, nothing good happens after midnight. Who knew??

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hello Family and Friends!

I have always wanted to "blog" so here I am! It been a while since I have had a chance to catch up with a lot of you so here's the latest and greatest with the Lopez's.

Work is going great for me. I'm traveling to DC a lot these days...its tough to leave the kiddos, but the city is so neat and the girls are really getting some good bonding with Andy.
Andy has a new job as a general contractor for a catastrophe company. Basically when your house burns down or as has been so common here lately a tornado damages your roof he is the person that checks it out and hires people to come in and fix it. He LOVES his new job and is doing very well. Best thing is they are paying for his gas and his truck payment! Thank God!

Lennon is a full fledged two year old. She is talking so much now and cracks us up everyday. Who knew a two year old could be so funny. I love the way she is trying so hard to use her pronouns. "What HE doing", "Is this MINES", I like SHE hair". So cute. She plays really great with Lucie for the most part. Shes still a little rough but it's getting better. The part I'm enjoying the most about her right now though is her affection towards Andy and I. We get unsolicited "I love yous" and hugs. Every time she does that I feel my whole body fill up with pride and love. I'm so glad shes so happy and knows how to express that!

Little Lucie is breaking hearts all over Texas these days! I brought her up to my office last week and she smiled and talked and went to everyone that wanted to hold her. That child doesn't know a stranger. She is crawling everywhere VERY fast and pulling up. She'll be walking within a few weeks ... please say a prayer for me. Last week she weighed in at 16 lbs and she's in the 10% percentile for her height and weight. So she's a little sprite, but the doctor wasn't concerned at all. The kid eats like a grown man so she'll catch up. She can say - mama, dada, baba, lennon, and shes blowing kisses and clapping her hands. I think this will be my musical baby ... every time she hears it she bounces up and down and smiles. Rock on Baby Choocie!

Rylie graduated from Kindergarten yesterday at the top of her class! She's so smart and her math and reading skills are higher than everyone in the class. This is awesome as she started Kindergarten at age 4! We are busy making plans to have her out for a few weeks this summer. I can't wait to take her roller skating ... her new found favorite thing. I have some of the fondest memories of roller skating on our carport at the old house in Bardwell and in the cotton gin across the street. We are planning on lots of camping and swimming and playing!

We have a new dog .. Dora Ann Lopez. She's an Australian Sheppard and I'm not sure what to think of her yet. She seems okay but is a little skittish . She's really good with the kids, especially Lucie so I guess she can stay :) Our kitty Nellie ran away a few months ago and Attila totally went nuts. He was so sad. Dora seems to be doing the trick as he totally treats her like she's his baby. Andy and I have always known he was a "funny" dog if you know what I mean :)

That's about all for now :) The Candy family is all headed to Vegas next month for Megan's wedding. I'm pretty sure if someone were to follow us around with a camera we could have our own reality show. Candy's Go To Vegas --- watch for us this fall :)